Friday, 15 July 2011

Inov-8 Evoskin Shoes

Connect with the earth and experience a freedom that was previously the reserve of barefoot purists. With only a single layer of silicon between your foot and the ground, the evoskin™ behaves like a second skin, protecting the foot but allowing you to feel the motion of running like never before. With added health benefits, incorporating the evoskin™ into your training program will help strengthen your foot muscles. For maximum proprioception feedback and gecko like grip, the evoskin™ is ideal for a range of activities including water sports, treadmill workouts and barefoot training sessions. Discover an alternative way to experience earth.

Thursday, 7 July 2011

Extreme & Light

The powermonkey extreme, the portable charger for use with most portable devices & some of the worlds lightest boots including the Under Armour Valsetz boot, and Inov8's Roclite 288 & Roclite 400.